Saturday, June 5, 2021

June Lake Weekend

 We enjoyed Memorial Day weekend with some of the family at June Lake, California.

We often drive right past June Lake on our way to Mammoth to the south, and this trip was no exception.  While we waited to check in to our condo we spent most of the day exploring around Mammoth. And while June Lake has a spectacular mountain setting it didn't get a single photo on this trip.

Calvin and Jay spent the morning getting in a few last runs on the slopes.

Rosie and I were going to spend the morning enjoying a very nice park with the kids, only to discover that it was surrounded by chain link in the midst of a construction project. No problem! The kids found plenty of entertainment climbing rocks and exploring a stream.

While the rest of us enjoyed lunch Alice practiced her climbing skills.

There was just enough time after lunch to get in a few mountain bike runs.

Then it was time to head back to June Lake, check into the condo and meet up with the Bordelons for a just slightly early celebration of Leah's 3rd birthday.

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