Saturday, June 26, 2021

Turtle Bay Resort Oahu

We recently spent a litle time at Turtle Bay on Oahu.  We have stayed at various places at this resort over the years, but this year we had a great location.  The hotel at the resort is being renovated, so the beach which can be crowded when 450 hotel rooms are open was easily socially distanced. 

This was the view from our balcony.

And this is what our front door looked like. Shoes all over the place! It was fun to be with the Wrights and be part of a big gang on this trip.

The pool and hot tub saw a fair amount of family action.

 The resort also had miles of walking trails through shady forests and along the shore line.  You could find plenty of empty beaches just a short walk away.

This is the northern most point on the island

We haven't quite mastered the "selfie" yet but that was a gorgeous beach behind us.

Ancient formations like this are preserved throughout the island.  Calvin put his watch/compass on this one and it point directly north.

You might have noticed the bikes for rent from our balcony.  James noticed them too, so Calvin and Jay took him on a mountain bike ride... after they caught up with him.

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