Sunday, June 6, 2021


Tioga Pass opened just a couple of days before our weekend in June Lake, so we took a day to enjoy some of the beauty at the eastern entrance of Yosemite.

Our first destination was Pothole Dome. This granite dome was a good hike for our 3 generation crowd. We stopped for a moment for pictures at the trailhead and then the six grandkids took off down the trail leaving the rest of us to try and keep up.

Once you reach the dome, you can pick your way to the top any way you want.  Some of the girls took the slow way up with me.

Once we reached the top everyone scattered around finding interesting things.

The boys managed to find practically the only available dirt on the dome to play in.

Our next stop was Olmstead Point which is probably one of the most photographed spots in the world. So I took a picture.

You will notice that there were actually clouds resting on Clouds Rest that day.

We ate our picnic lunch at the vista point and I managed to capture a few grandkid pics while we ate.

After lunch the more ambitious souls in our group climbed Lembert Dome while Sarah and I headed to the beach at Tenaya Lake with the younger kids, who happily played in and around the freezing water for two hours without a single toy in sight.


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