Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Kawela Bay and Laie

Kawela Bay is just a mile from Turtle Bay along a forested path. Calvin and I stayed at a house on Kawela Bay a couple of times and it is a beautiful spot.  We hiked there with the whole gang one day.

Another day we drove into Laie and toured the temple grounds and visited the shops at the Polynesian Cultural Center.

We sent Rosie and Jay off to find their own dinner while we treated the kids to Happy Meals from Calvin's favorite McDonalds, which was actually a replacement for the McDonald's with the waterfall inside.  Since Covid rules kept us from dining inside we went to Hukilau Beach Park for our dining experience. This the original location that was made famous in song:

Oh, we throw our nets out into the sea
And all the 'ama'ama come a-swimmin' to me
Oh, we're goin' to the hukilau

We found a little rubber ball at the beach and the kids happily spent an hour playing catch in the sand. I love it that they can find something fun to do where ever they are.

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