Monday, June 7, 2021

Saddlebag Lake

 We decided to stop at Saddlebag Lake on the way home, hoping the resort with the water taxi might be open, but we were a little ahead of the season. We decided to take a little walk as long as we had braved the gravel road to get there.

 The lake itself was so low we could walk along base of the dam on the lake side and be high and dry, but there was a lovely mound of snow against the dam that was just right for sliding.

We continued on around the lake just a bit, but the 10,000 foot altitude helped us decide after a short rest break that it was probably time for lunch.

Along the road the kids found some obsidian, so Calvin showed off his flint knapping skills.

We stopped for lunch at a delightful National Forest Campground on Ellery Lake 

And the kids managed to find one more hill to climb

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