Saturday, October 8, 2016

Utah 95 Bicentennial highway

The scenic drive on Utah 12 was so spectacular we decided to continue our trip east on Utah 95 named the bicentennial highway because it was completed in 1976, which is a signific ant year in our lives too.

Utah 95 did not disappoint.  We started out through narrow red rock canyons that reminded me of the canyons we paddled through on the Green River. We crossed the Colorado and got a quick look at Lake Powell and then continued on to Natural Bridges National Monument for a little unplanned exploring.  There are three named arches here and they are huge.  

We walked part way down to the first arch.  The walk included this ladder which did not inspire confidence, but I managed it without falling off.

By the time we got to the second arch we just took a quick peak from the overlook because we realized we were way behind schedule and we wanted to get to Mesa Verde before it closed.  We drove through Calvin's new favorite restaurant. A & W, for lunch and drove straight to Mesa Verde.  We managed to get there in time to take that last cliff dwelling tour of the day to the Balcony House.  The tour info warns that there are ladders to climb and a tunnel to crawl through in this cliff house.

This ladder looked a little sturdier to me and there was a lot of peer pressure to climb the ladder and look happy about it.

Here I am looking happy to make it to the top with the knowledge that we didn't have to climb back down but exit crawling through a tunnel.
Here is Calvin looking cool because he doesn't mind climbing ladders.

The cliff dwellings aren't exactly cozy but you could survive up here. This is a view of the Palace dwelling from across the canyon.
Thoroughly impressed and wishing we had another couple of days to explore here we headed to Durango and arrived just as the sun set.

1 comment:

  1. So cool! How is Dad handling all this road tripping? You climb ladders like a boss, Mom.
