Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Around Cedar City

Our first road trip  destination was Cedar City to enjoy the Utah Shakespeare Festival.  We saw two terrific plays, Murder for Two and Julius Caesar. I absolutely loved Murder for Two. It was a musical farce with only two characters. One character played the detective and the other played all of the suspects. It was probably the best live theater I have ever seen.  Enormously talented actors. Julius Caesar was also very well done, but I am still not a Shakespeare fan. 

When we weren't watching plays we toured the area around Cedar City. I haven't been to Cedar City before, but if I wanted to move to Utah, which I don't, I would seriously consider Cedar City.  It has a spectacular location. We visited Cedar Breaks National Monument in the morning. On the way up we stopped at a vista point. This is amazing geology.

We had planned to take a rim walk to see some more bristlecone pines, but it rained the night before and that trail was too muddy so we took the paved walk instead.

In the afternoon we came out of the mountains to see the Parowan Gap Petroglyphs. There is a natural gap between rock outcroppings which was perhaps a funnel for hunting game. Whatever the reason, the rocks here are covered with petroglyphs. 

 I took a lot of pictures but these are a few of my favorites.  Proof that aliens have visited earth.

And as luck would have it, less than a mile away were fossilized dinosaur footprints!

Cedar City is worth a visit.

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