Monday, October 3, 2016

Prologue to our road fall road trip

Last week Calvin road his bike across Nevada on the OATBRAN bike tour.  I met him in Ely, Nevada on Thursday night and Friday while he rode the final leg to the Utah border I visited the Great Basin National Park.  Amazingly there is a bristlecone pine grove here, so I drove to the 10,000 foot level of the park to see the pines.  It is full fall there and the colors were beautiful.

Wheeler Peak

3000 year old bristlecone pine

Calvin and I managed to connect at the border just a few minutes after he arrived, but I made him re-enact his arrival.

After a shower for Calvin and lunch for me we began our road trip headed toward Cedar City.


  1. Way to go Dad!

    I would like to visit Great Basin NP some day. Sounds like and under appreciated treasure.

  2. Well done, Dad! And good job taking the initiative, Mom.
