Thursday, October 27, 2016

One last road trip day

We had one last day on the road but with the goal of reaching Superior within our grasp we didn't take many side trips.  We finally crossed the Continental Divide at Monarch Pass, elevation 11,312 feet. Fortunately the snow on the road had melted before we got there.

We stopped for lunch in Fairplay, Colorado elevation 9,953 ft. There were remarkably few food options in Fairplay, but the Brown Burro served a good lunch.  In case you are curious, Fairplay is the model for the town of South Park in the TV cartoon.  I've never seen the cartoon so I can't comment.

We reached Superior in the late afternoon and got a tour of Butch and Emily's beautiful new home (sorry no pictures of it) and then we all headed off to the park while Zach had soccer practice. Zach usually rides his bike and Calvin was in grandson heaven when he got to ride bikes with the boys.

The park is so close that the rest of us easily walked there. I like this unposed picture of Butch and Emily,
but I like the posed picture just as well.
and we can't forget Lucy

The next day Butch recruited Calvin to help with a trim project in his basement that needed to be finished before new carpet was installed.  They managed to complete the job before the boys got home from school and it looks great.

Once the boys were home we loaded up the cars and headed to Keystone for a fun weekend.