Thursday, July 4, 2019


Our last stop was in Victoria, BC.  There is some rule about cruise ships needing to stop at a foreign port before re-entering the US. We just stayed half a day.  Apparently it costs $40,000 to dock a cruise ship overnight in Victoria.  We visited Victoria last summer and explored the downtown, so we opted for a tour of Craigdarroch Castle. This was built by Robert Dunsmuir, a coal baron. It is a big highlight on the tour circuit.

The inside is full of beautifully carves wood and stained glass windows.

This is the back with Calvin and Alicia.

This is Calvin taking a break from touring

Before we returned to the boat we took a stroll along Fisherman's wharf in Victoria, had some really great ice cream and admired the boats.

Our final stop was in San Francisco, an easy disembarkation, a short BART ride, a quick visit with Bill and Cindy and we were on our way home.

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