Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Our next port was Juneau. There are no roads into Juneau, you have to arrive by boat or plane. The reason is that Juneau is surrounded by 1500 square miles of ice.

We took a tour to the visitor's center at the Mendenhall Glacier.  We didn't actually get on the glacier but we had a good view.  We took a walk to Nugget Falls. It is a giant waterfall. You can see the glacier on the left.

The glacier creeping into the lake

After the glacier we took a tram ride to the 3,819 foot summit of Mt. Roberts. The tram and facilities at the top are operated by an Alaska native corporation. At the top we enjoyed spectacular views, a walk in the forest and crab nachos. I'm not sure how native nachos are to Alaska, but the crab was a nice twist.

1 comment:

  1. I chuckle every time I see that photo of dad and the nachos.
