Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving in Sayulita

This year we decided to do a little something different for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving dinner has never been one of my favorite meals and I have managed to avoid cooking it for decades.  (I owe years of gratitude to all of those marvelous cooks who actually know what to do with a turkey.) So this year we went to Sayulita, Mexico and had tacos on the beach for Thanksgiving.  A fish taco is my kind of turkey.
Rosie, Jay, Roque and Peter joined us in our celebration to make it even more fun.
The breakfast view.

We rented a house perched up on a hill with nice touches of Mexican art throughout and a marvelous open air veranda with all kinds of lounging spots and we took advantage of them.
On Saturday we took a sailboat ride out to the Marietas Islands.  The crew really worked hard to show us a good time.  Peter and Jay did a little deep sea fishing.
Jay took the first shift bringing it in and Peter took the second.
Here are the proud fishermen with their catch.  There is more to the story, but you'll have to ask the fishermen.
The islands were cool with caves to swim through and a blue footed boobie population, but the best part of the trip was on the ride home when they let us get dragged behind the boat on the cargo net.
We also had a couple of beach days.  We went to the main beach and rented surfboards and boogie boards one day.
Roque surfed like a pro her first time out.
After an exhausting day on the beach we had dinner in town every night.  Sometimes in a traditional restaurant and sometimes street food. 
Our favorite beach was about a mile out of town.  We went in the late afternoon one day and besides having the beach to ourselves the light made great pictures.
Not a big crowd at the beach.
The large beach connected through this cave to a smaller pocket beach.
Calvin loves a hidden beach.
The cave from the other direction.
Rosie and Jay looking good.
Lots a brown pelicans to entertain us.
Bobbing in the waves.
A great way to celebrate Thanksgiving!



  1. I'm thankful for parents like you. Thanks for the great trip!

  2. Looks like a great trip! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Christmas! You do a great job with your blog Calli.
