Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

We really enjoyed our Christmas this year.  We did some of the traditional activities, just not on the traditional days.  We usually decorate gingerbread men over Thanksgiving, but this year we decorated when Peter, Roque,Rosie, Jay, Kelly and Brack were in town.

Roque and Brack really raised the artistic bar on the cookies,

but we still managed a few "creative" cookies.  

We spent a lot of time gathered around the fire watching the snow fall.

Despite a great effort the puzzle did not get completed, so it is back in the box waiting for the next Smith gathering.

We had our tradition music night, with a twist.  Katie and Jason volunteered to start

and stole the show!
We had a real white Christmas.  We went skiing on Christmas Day, but it was so snowy we didn't take any pictures.  Calvin loved skiing in the snow and dragged Jay, Brack , Jason, Katie and Kelly all over the mountain.
The birds at the feeders entertained us,
but the highlight was my Christmas cactus
 putting on a glorious show as usual.


  1. An accurate representation of a cozy Christmas. Thanks for the great time Mom!

  2. Yeah, thanks Mom! It was a great low stress weekend.

  3. Looks like a great time, and so snowy! We got a Boxing Day dusting of snow/sleet, but not nearly enough for Clare to try out her new snow gear.

  4. We missed you guys at Christmas but can't wait to see you in Hawaii!
