Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Tree 2012

In answer to the question "can we chop a Christmas tree and load it on the car without any kids to chop and carry the tree" the answer is yes.  But we did look for a skinny tree, on the uphill side close to the road.  We went with the Gabbarts and after all these years of tree chopping it was just the four of us this year.  We are a few weeks after our traditional chop date, but it was a beautiful day, and the roads, although deeply rutted, were still frozen so we could get in to our favorite chopping spot.

This is Calvin's first selection. But we decided to look a little more.

We found a tree that is actually legal according to the rules, small diameter trunk, back from the road, and so close to another tree that it is pretty much flat on the back. I will admit that it is not our best tree, but it is big and green which is basically what we look for in a tree. I hoped to put it flat against the wall, but that didn't work as well as I hoped.  We took all of the traditional pictures.  

Chopping the tree

 Loading the cars

Family pictures

(Actually Fay and Vance were just waiting while Calvin set up the group shot.  They got a couple picture on their camera.)

And the group shot.

It is great to have friends who share "empty nester" adventures.


  1. Looks like you bagged a good one. Looking forward to come help decorate in just 10 days.

  2. It makes the prospect of buying a tree from a lot seem completely unsporting. Can't wait to see it all lit up! Well done with the timer, Dad.
