Sunday, November 18, 2012

It is raining in Reno

It is a rainy weekend here in Reno. I opened the garage door to run some errands yesterday and saw this gorgeous rainbow.  It didn't last long but it was beautiful.  One of the downsides of almost never getting rain is that rainbows are a rare sight here.

To celebrate the rain Calvin decided to go shooting.  He has taken an interest in the Winchester 22 rifle that I inherited from my grandfather through my father.  Calvin had taken it out Friday to hills behind our house, but shooting tends to be discouraged there, so we went Saturday to an established shooting range near Boca.

There was just a little drizzle when we got out of the car, but it rapidly turned into real rain, so we didn't stay long.  It appears that we might need to practice a little more. Neither of us is a great shot, but Calvin at least hit the target board, and hit one of the smaller targets.  I missed the board entirely, and it was not a small board. And it wasn't very far away.  I was playing with my phone and took a video instead of a picture, so you can see how far the target is.

My suggestion to anyone who might come shooting with us is to stay well out of range.


  1. Great double rainbow Mom. And good work bringing your phone along.

  2. Rainy days in Reno are so beautiful. Well done posting your first video.
