Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall Harvest 2012

We have had the most beautiful fall.  The season lingered long enough for us to harvest a bumper crop from our sporadically attended garden.  We have eaten tomatoes and more tomatoes, but there is nothing like the flavor of a vine ripened tomato.

Our sweet 100s were especially good this year.

Our apples were big and juicy and just a little wormy.

The garden surprise was a 2+ pound potato.  I didn't know that we planted potatoes until I was digging the onions and discovered potatoes instead.  We ate this beauty and it would have fed a family of 6 easily.

Our leaves have finally turned and the birch in the backyard is gorgeous.  What a great place to live.


  1. That is one grand-daddy of a potato! The kitchen continues to look gorgeous.

  2. Those were some nice looking apples, too bad you don't have our boys there to eat them all up!- Butch

  3. Bounteous splendor! Looks real good. Was this your first post from your new computer?
