Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Needles- Canyonlands Nationa Park

We arrived in Moab in the early afternoon, Butch and the boys weren't due to arrive for a few hours, so we decided to make a quick dash to the Needles section of Canyonlands National Park, even though we knew that you can't really make a very successful "quick dash" through a National Park.  We starteded up the road to the park once a few years ago and got as far as Newspaper Rock  before we decided the drive to the park entrance was too long.  This time we powered right through, even though we had to wait for road construction a couple of times.  We decided we really only had time for one adventure and that was a 2 1/2 mile loop on the Slick Rock trail.  There were amazing vistas on all sides of the loop, but as usual a phone camera just doesn't do justice to the immensity of the scenery.

When we pulled up to the trailhead we saw two ravens sitting on jeep.  Calvin jumped out to take a picture because he has a friend with a jeep like that and wanted to send him the picture. Calvin scared the ravens, but when I opened my door one hopped right up and made himself at home.

In no particular order, these are the views from the trail.

We were, of course, late getting back in time for dinner at Moab, but we did stop for a couple of quick pictures at Newspaper Rock. Someday it would be nice to know what these images really mean.

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