Monday, August 12, 2019

Kauai 2019 by land

We recently returned from a trip to Kauai with Butch's family. I happen to really like visiting Kauai so I was happy to see it again. Their family is a little older so we were able to take a few longer sight-seeing trips. And of course lots of family pictures.
We drove up Waimea Canyon and had a wonderfully clear day. Stopped for a minute to enjoy the gorgeous red rocks

Then followed the road to its end at Pu'u O Kila Lookout, one of the rainiest spots on earth, where we had a few sprinkles, but actually had a view to the ocean for a few minutes.
View from the overlook.
Over looking the view

We visited the Makauwahi cave near Poipu. Got the full story on the African land tortoises they are using to try to rid the area of invasive foreign plants. This visit the tortoises were separated by gender.  Apparently they thought tortoises could not breed out of Africa, but that appears to be incorrect. They welcomed 10 new babies this year.
And we wandered over to the Hyatt to feed the koi one morning.

We had lunch at a fairly slow smoothie shop which allowed time for a little mermaid entertainment.

While Butch and Emily had a date night dinner we introduced their kids to the joys of Burger King.

And of course no visit is complete without some shave ice
  or one last beach photo.

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