Monday, June 5, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

The Wrights and the Mulliners came to Reno for Memorial Day and we had some fun family gatherings. Unfortunately I missed all of the Wright/Mulliner reunion pictures.  We seemed to just have bursts of photography.

 Early Saturday morning there was a bike ride, of course. They rode on the Dog Valley road, but if you want more details you'll have to ask Calvin. 

After the ride the young adults went to sushi and sailing and we got to play with the grandkids. 

Sunday after church we went with Rosie's family to play in the creek at Caughlin Ranch.  It was just deep enough to be cool but safe for little ones.
That is one big rock Jimmy is throwing

In the evening Peter and Roque invited everyone over for dinner and trampoline time.

Jimmy and Sylvan were making funny faces on the blanket

After dinner there was another bike ride, but Calvin and I opted to hang out with the smaller folk.

Monday morning we went to Mt. Rose for the last ski day of the year and Alice's first time on skis. 

Jimmy and Sylan just hung out on the deck.

In the afternoon we had a little sprinkler time.

And we even had time for a little window art.

1 comment:

  1. Fun photos! My favorite is the one with Jimmy and Sylvan on the chair with Dad in the background. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the babysitting!
