Monday, June 19, 2017

Yampa River 2017

The Yampa River is the last wild river in the Colorado River system.  Last week we took a five day trip with with Butch and his boys Zach and Austin down the Yampa.  Our starting point was Vernal, Utah and Calvin and I got there early enough to take a visit to the dinosaur museum.

Calvin really loves dinosaurs.

Butch and the boys arrived a little later and after dinner and a walk around the Vernal Temple which was just a block from our hotel we loaded our dry bags and were ready to go.

We didn't have paddle rafts on this trip, so if you weren't in a kayak there wasn't a lot to do but take pictures, so I took a lot of pictures. These are some of the boat pictures.

And here are a few of the hanging around waiting to get started pictures. Austin LOVED the kayaks.

And here are some of the hanging around camp pictures
 Many games of card Monopoly were played
 Sand forts were built

 And I enjoyed a room with a view.
There were great views along the river as well.

We took a few short hikes along the river to see Signature cave and some rock art.

 Look closely to see the buffalo in the one below.
Calvin took one longer hike to the rim but the rest of us were content to see his pictures.
And finally just a few more pictures of some of my favorite people.
 That is a class IV rapid behind the boys.
All too soon the trip was over and we were back in our cars headed home, but what a great trip.


  1. This look like so much fun! I bet those boys were in heaven!!

  2. I really like the silhouette shot. Can't wait to do a river trip someday with my kids.
