Thursday, May 25, 2017

Lake Tahoe 2017

The weather finally took a turn to the sunny side and we took a turn toward Lake Tahoe.  Last Friday night we took out the sailboat with Peter, Rachel and Sylvan.  We didn't actually sail because there was not a breath of wind, but we motored out and it was beautiful. Sylvan was not thrilled to be wearing his life jacket,
but he warmed up to the boat pretty quickly.

Calvin was in his element and I even enjoyed floating on the lake.

We stopped in Tahoe City for dinner after the sail and looked at all the water rushing through the dam.
Peter and Roque show their style at Fanny Bridge.
We took our kayak out for the first time on Monday. It was a perfect day to paddle.

The only bad news is that the lake is so high a lot of beaches are under water, so the beaches that are still dry were crowded, even on a Monday afternoon. Still you should never really complain about water in a desert and we aren't complaining.

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