Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Up close with nature

A few days ago Calvin was getting ready to go on a bike ride when he came in and said "Come quickly and see this."

I would  have been just as happy not to see this very long gopher snake. It is harmless, and probably eats rodents, but I was not thrilled when slithered under the closed garage door.  For all I know he is still living in the garage somewhere.  I took a number of photos of the snake when Calvin said "Hey I'm better looking that that snake."  So I took his picture and he is better looking.


  1. I'm not ok with this. That snake is probably in a ski boot or car engine or sleeping bag or somewhere else it does not belong. And no snakes are harmless. That is a lie we tell children and ourselves so we sleep at night.

  2. It must be that time of year. A giant, many-legged bug suddenly emerged from behind some files in my office at work and climbed the wall to the ceiling over my head! He was removed.
