Thursday, June 30, 2016

A weekend visit with Sarah and Nick

Sarah and Nick made a second trip to Reno in June for her 20th high school reunion.  That is a long trip to make with an 8 month old, but we were so glad they came.  The first event of her reunion was a Reno Aces game, and since it was such a nice evening the rest of us came along.

Nick is apparently not a baseball fan.  Sarah showed him off to her friends then he cried for about an hour and then I took him home where he immediately fell asleep.

We had a lot of cousin time, it was fun watching a seven month old and and eight month old interact.
They meet
they retreat to separate corners and think about it
Nick decides to check out Sylvan's teeth... yes two on the bottom just like me.

Standing tall...with a little help

Nick in despair because Sarah is taking a shower.

All better
 Hanging out in the backyard.  It is amazing how difficult it is to get 5 people to open their eyes at the same time.

Nick showing off his toe sucking skills

Sylvan showing off his new teeth

What a great family we have.


  1. Such cute boys! Sylvan reminds me a bit of the Cowley kids in these photos.

  2. What a nice visit. Some fun cousin time at the grandparents house!

  3. It was a great visit! Thanks for taking pictures. I realized I didn't take any!

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