Thursday, April 4, 2013

Red Rocks

When we lived in Utah while Calvin was going to school we took driving vacations.  We took a lot of trips to the red rock country of southern Utah, because we might not settle in this part of the country and we wanted to see it while we were still living in Utah.  Then Calvin got a residency in Arizona and we saw more red rocks.  I thought I had seen enough red rocks to last a life time, but I find that I love to visit southern Utah and see the red rocks all over again.  We spent a couple of days in Moab with Butch and his family last week during Zach's spring break.  And we took lots of pictures of red rocks.

We spent a lot of time hiking in Arches.  The hike to Delicate arch climbs 500 feet and is listed as "strenuous" in the park guide.  Zach and Austin did the hike like it was a walk around the block. Here they are with the iconic shot with arch in the background.

Here they are inside the arch.  It is a lot bigger than it looks.
The boys loved to climb into little crevices in the rock to hide.

We had lunch at Sand Dune Arch, which is like a giant sand box for the boys to play in.  I remember dragging Butch into this arch before he was born.  It is still pretty, but crowded.
Zach liked to climb up anything and everything. No fear.
Sometimes Calvin followed him up the rock.
Sometimes Butch and Calvin followed him.
And sometimes Emily and Austin made the climb too.  It was breezy up there.
My only regret is that the pictures don't show the vivid colors I could see through my sunglasses.  I guess that is viewing the world with "rose colored glasses."


  1. Stylish sunglasses Zach-O and that's a great photo of Butch.

  2. Good post, Mom. Looks like a nice fun time.
