Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snow days

This weekend Bill and Cindy Scott came to Reno for a little skiing.  We had not had any new snow since December, and skiing was getting marginal, but Bill always brings snow when he visits and we had about a foot of fresh snow.  That was the good news.  The bad news was that it was still snowing lightly and the light was really flat.  We had several very nice "social ski" runs and then Cindy, Bill and I went into the lodge to recover and Calvin found heaven in the chutes.  

Saturday we took a short snow shoe to the train tunnels at Donner Summit.  Calvin went about 50 yards on solid ice into one of the tunnels then slipped and fell flat.  The rest of us looked at the ice and said "no way."  Calvin clearly needs better adventure buddies.
Do you love the lovely soft focus lens I used?  I need to look for fingerprints on the lens before I take a picture.

Calvin was scouting the tunnels as a potential winter camp out location for the Boy Scouts.  They are really cool looking.  I'm not sure that I would actually like to sleep there.
But it was a great Saturday adventure.

1 comment:

  1. What delightfully vigorous outdoor winter fun! Happy to hear that your knee is up to the challenge.
