Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bike ride to Santa Barbara

Calvin has been planning to ride his bike from Reno to Santa Barbara for many years and decided this was the year to go. We have had a fairly mild spring, which has allowed him to get in bike shape early this year and yesterday he embarked on the trip.

 It was a cool but sunny day in Reno when he left, but by the time he reached Genoa he had cycled 60 miles into a head wind and was looking at white out conditions over Kingsbury grade, so he hitched a ride the last couple of miles to South Lake Tahoe.
The temperature at South Lake Tahoe when we arrived was in the mid twenties and it didn't warm up over night.  We woke up to several inches of fresh snow.
Fresh powder is great for a skiing vacation, but not so great for bike riding. The ride director decided to sag the riders forward until we were out of the chain control zone.

It was pretty drive with everything covered with about six inches of fresh snow.  We stopped at Ham's Station for lunch and had a "Ham's Burger" which was not the best burger I have ever eaten and then Calvin bravely got on his bike and hit the road.

A little downhill and a little tail wind and Calvin arrived at our second night destination, San Andreas, in good form.


  1. Go Dad!!! And the driveway looks beautiful - I wish I was headed to Reno this weekend.

  2. If you were in Reno, why would we be coming to Santa Barbara?
