Friday, June 1, 2012

More Maui

We are inside taking a break from the sun, so it seems like a good time to post a few more Maui pictures.

This is the "English Cottage" where we are staying.  It is a modern replica of an English 12-14 century stone house.  It is not your typical tropical retreat, but I really like it.

This trip we took a hike we had never done before.  We hiked the Waihe'e Ridge Trail.  It is a beautiful trail that goes from about 1000 feet to 2700 feet over the course of 2.5 miles.  The panoramic views were spectacular.  We saw lots of helicopters buzzing by looking at the same views.

Here is Calvin looking happy at the end of the trail

And here I am looking exhausted at the end of the trail.

And here we are together, just make sure the hike was well documented.

Calvin decided he didn't get enough exercise hiking, so he rode his bike about 50 miles back to the cottage.  This is a rental bike made by FUJI, which Calvin thought he might like better than his beloved Trek. 

We  kayaked a couple of times, so here is the obligatory picture of Calvin in the back of the kayak.  We took a snorkel cruise to Molokini, but I was a little disappointed.  I remember the snorkeling being better than it was.  The clarity was great, but the fish were sparse and the most common site was the legs of first time snorkelers dangling down in the water.  We did see an eel free swimming, so that was kind of cool.

One evening we took a sunset stroll along the beach in Kehei and got an obliging sunset gawker to take our picture.

Another new site we saw were petroglyphs at Olowalu.  There are amazingly similar to some we have seen in southern Utah near Blanding.

And finally we took a moped/scooter ride from Lahaina to Napili.  I have never actually driven a scooter before, and the rental agent was a little appalled that I had never driven one, but valiantly helped me circle the parking lot about six times and we were on our way.  I felt a little confident going straight, but stop/starts and turns were still a little shaky. We drove about half a mile and then stopped for lunch.  So far so good.  Then we headed to the to coast.  Things were going well until I got a little more confident and headed straight into the rocks on the side of the road.  That was a breath-taking experience.  Literally.  Once I could breath again, I gathered up my body parts and they all seemed to be in the right location.  One of the nice things about being married to doctor is that he is pretty good in an emergency, so even when I was having trouble breathing, I was sure that when Calvin figured out I wasn't behind him and got back to me he could help.  Fortunately I didn't need any of his advanced skills and got away with just a very minor amount of road rash and a few aches and pains today.  So here is the proof that I actually rode the scooter.  I'm not ruling out riding again,  but only on a straight road with no stops, starts or turns.  I can handle a straight road.

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Mom!! That's such a shame; you look so cute on the scooter.
