Friday, June 29, 2012

Cherries, Cherries and more Cherries

This has been a bumper year for cherries at our house.  We have three mature cherry trees, and the cherries are so thick on them they look like clusters of grapes.

We have three mature trees drooping from the weight of the cherries and we only have one person in our house that actually likes to eat cherries.  However, I just cannot stand to let those beautiful cherries go to waste, so I have made cherry pies, cherry crisp, cherry chutney, and cherry syrup.  I have dried cherries and I have frozen cherries.  I even made cherry chicken, but Calvin drew the line there and announced he had had enough cherries.  We shared our bounty with anyone who came by.  We had our water heater replaced last week which took several days and the plumbers got cherries every day. Not little bags of cherries, but 5 pounds of cherries. I took cherries to the Family History Center and cherries to Relief Society.  We invited people to come pick.  The birds are eating liberally and we still have cherries. Calvin will get back from his backpacking trip tomorrow.  I know that he will be thrilled to have some beautiful fresh cherries from the tree when he gets back.

I mentioned that we got a new hot water heater.  We actually replaced the hot water heater and the heater for the baseboard heating system with a single unit.  For years we have been juggling showers and baths because we didn't quite have enough hot water for more than one every hour or so.  It became a critical issue, in my opinion, when I didn't have enough hot water to fill up the bathtub. I am happy to report that I can now have a full bath and in theory Calvin could shower, and we could run the dishwasher all at the same time and still not run out of water.  Truthfully, I only care that I get a full bath.  Here is the new heater and storage system.  A thing of beauty.

At least compared to what it replaced.


  1. A red-colored theme for this blog post? Fancy new water heater. I was clearly a couple weeks early when I had some of those cherries. They look terrific all bunched up.

  2. That is a ton of cherries! My Dad would be jealous, he loves them! Calli, I'm glad you can have hot baths again! :)
