Monday, May 28, 2012


Calvin gave me a cool new camera for Mother's Day, so I have been having all kinds of fun taking pictures.  Calvin and I are in Maui this week, which gives me unlimited time to sit in a beach chair and take pictures.

Here we are hanging out on the patio of our little rental cottage, getting ready to go out to dinner.

Sunday night we watched the sunset on the beach at Makena Landing

I had lots of time to watch the waves creep up to my toes.

We were sitting under a cool  tree.  This is looking straight up in the sky, the tiny little white dot at the bottom is the moon.  The moon never looks quite as good in a picture.

Calvin entertained himself throwing rocks at the sun.

My camera is waterproof, so we (actually Calvin) took it snorkeling this morning.  Here is proof that I do actually leave the beach once in a while.

The snorkeling has been pretty good.  Good visibility and lots of sea life.  We saw three turtles in just a short kayak paddle on Saturday.  My goal today for Calvin was to find a turtle a photograph it.  I actually spotted the turtle and it obligingly took a siesta on the sand so that Calvin could dive down and take an up close and personal shot.


  1. Great looking pictures. Looks fun!

  2. Take that Sun!

    Someone needs to give that turtle a good scrub-down; it's filthy.

    Have a lovely rest of your week!

  3. How prompt! I like the up-to-date dispatches from the field. And cool turtle picture!
