Sunday, May 17, 2020

New normal

We seem to be easing into a new normal.  Our social contact is still limited pretty much to outdoor activities with family, but the weather has been beautiful the past few weeks, so life is good.

Rachel invited us to a day outing at Washoe Lake State Park.  There were so many years that Washoe Lake was a dry lake that I didn't realize it has a very nice grassy beachfront.  We parked by a very big old tree which just begged to be climbed.

 ...and jumped out of

There was a very nice little dirt patch that provded some worms for entertainment

 and a nice picnic table in the shade.

The lake is actually still pretty muddy, but it looks better in the pictures.
Calvin rode his bike home, hoping for a strong wind from the south, but no help from the wind that day.

This weekend Calvin, Peter and Sylvan had planned a fathers and sons campout, but the weather look a little nasty so they decided to camp in the backyard.

Our yard looks good right now and the iris are in bloom

As an extra bonus the Bordelons came over with a yummy cake fresh out of the oven and we all enjoyed a little campfire time.

Life is good at our house.

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