Friday, May 1, 2020

More social distance at Lake Tahoe

There is no better way to create social distance than to head out on a kayak.  The weather was beautiful this week so we took a couple of kayak adventures on Lake Tahoe. Our first was a beautiful calm sunny day on the lake.  Just right for the first paddle of the season.

Just as we were pulling into Sand Harbor the Bordelons arrived a provided a picnic on the beach.

In April the water temperature of the lake is in the 40's, but that didn't stop these water lovers.

Sarah hadn't really planned on a swimming outing, so once there were wet they had to improvise a bit to dry off.

We had so much fun we went kayaking again a couple of days later.  We tried to launch at Sand Harbor, but the parking was full so we started driving around the lake looking for a place to launch the kayak.  Once we crossed to border into Califonia all of the beaches were closed, but we found a place to launch at a Nature Conservancy Beach attached to the Garwoods parking lot.  We paddled about two miles to the beach of a hotel where we had stayed several years ago on our kayak tour of Lake Tahoe. The hotel was closed, but the beach was open so we had some nice uncrowded beach time.

Peter called and said they were also headed up to Lake Tahoe, so we loaded the boat and met them back at Sand Harbor. The parking wasn't full but there was still a pretty good crowd on the beach. 

We stayed until sunset and enjoyed the twilight.

We still managed to get home before it was full dark. In these days when everything is the same it is sometimes hard to notice the changing of the seasons.  The days really are getting longer now.

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