Sunday, March 29, 2020

Social distancing 2020

I thought I would share a few thoughts at two weeks into our experience with the COVID 19 pandemic.

The panic shopping seems to have eased a bit, but I am still surprised at some of the items missing from grocery store shelves. Fresh produce is readily available, but the pasta shelves are bare. Milk seems to be in good supply but there are no eggs.  Sugar and flour are in short supply. Meat counters are full but chicken and ground beef are scarce. Most interesting to me is that the mayonaise shelf was bare.

At our house life goes on pretty much as usual. Since I don't have any committments on my time I started the ever looming project of organizing 40+ years of unfiled photographs.  My study looks like a hurricane has hit, but I'm actually making some progress on the project. 

 The message here is that we have had WHOLE LOT OF FUN in our family over the years.

Beyond the house walking is still open to us.  Calvin and I have taken several walks along the Truckee and in the Truckee River Canyon.

It looks pretty wintery here still, but we have hopes for warmer weather next week. Other days I take my usual walk around Virginia Lake.  This is what social distancing looks like there, but that is pretty much what it look like all the time.

The only diffrence now is that there is a sign stating that the playground is closed, which gets some compliance, but not total.

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