Friday, November 23, 2018

Morro Bay

The first weekend in November we met up with the Wrights in Morro Bay for the weekend.  Rosie and Jay were doing a triathlon and we were there to cheer them on.

We always manage to pack a lot into a weekend with Rosie's family.  We were only together a little less than 48 hours, but it was a fun time.

We had dinner at a child friendly seafood restaurant on the bay and enjoyed a gorgeous sunset with our food.

 We enjoyed evening beach time both Friday and Saturday night. Lots of fun watching these kids on the beach.

I tried to take a candid family picture on the beach, but discovered with a family of 5 just getting them to be at the same spot on the beach is challenge, Leah is missing here and getting anyone to look at the camera was not going to happen.

Saturday during the day we wandered around town a bit cameras in hand.

 We then took a tour of the bay in a glass bottom boat. The captain had to really stretch to make the tour last 45 minutes, even letting passengers drive, but it was just about right for the kids.

We saw sea lions
 and sea otters

and lots of little silver fish

And lots a smiles

Sunday Calvin and I had grandkid duty while Rosie and Jay headed off to the race.  It took us a while to get going, but we arrived just as Rosie was starting the run. And she was still smiling.

After lunch we headed back toward Reno, stopping for a quick visit to Pinnacles National Park.  It is not really a park that lends itself to a quick visit.  We may have to visit again some day.

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