Sunday, November 18, 2018

A few more pics from Kauai

 Sometimes when we go on vacation there are a lot of pictures, but not too many of Calvin and I, so I thought I would share a couple of our pictures.

Here we are on a clear day at Waimea Canyon 

Here is another view with the ocean in the background and my hair flying happily in the humidity

And here we are at Hanalei Bay, which has to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Not to be missed are strange animal pics

One day we started out on a walk and saw a toad and snail side by side, but when we came back the toad was still sitting in the same place and the snail was long gone. Unsolved mystery about what happened to the snail.

One night we went to dinner in Old Koloa town and we treated to an evening of live 60's rock music and a side show of a gekko eating a maraschino cherry.

We went to visit some caves and stumbled across mating land tortoises. Not a sight I ever expected to see.

 I was not too surprised to see sea turtles on the beach, but they are cool, even if they are a more common sight.
Some monk seals came to play just off shore.  They don't seem to mind people at all, which is perhaps why they are an endangered species.

 And just because it seems to be a theme this year, here is the Kilauea Lighthouse on the north shore of Kaui
And finally huge waves, a remnant of Hurricane Olivia crashing into Poipu Point.

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