Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Cals Crew 2 reunion 2018 Rafting the Truckee River

One of our fun family reunion activities this year was rafting the Truckee River.  Everyone but our two new little girls, Ingrid and Leah, was able to raft, so we took turns watching the girls and everyone else got a chance to raft.  The river had a mild little current so the rafts just drift along without much paddling and you and hundreds of other rafters just enjoy the day.

I took this picture, but all of the rest were from my camera but by other photographers
 Thanks everyone for the great photos, I think we got all the rafters, but not quite everyone in focus.

You can see a few colorful heads of hair left over from the night before

Calvin and I switched out before the dangerous landing, but we heard that Peter and Rosie both made it out safely this year.  We also heard the the real high light for the 2-3 year old crowd was riding the bus back to the cars.

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