Saturday, September 15, 2018

Cal's Crew 2 2018

We held our biennial Smith Family Reunion this year at Lake Tahoe again.  Lake Tahoe is a beautiful location, but we got significant smoke from the fires burning in California which darkened the beauty a little bit.

This is my favorite picture of the week.  I wish I could say that the grandkids all like to cuddle up with me, but the real draw was the video on the phone Sylvan was holding.

The house we rented had a long, kind of steep driveway that led to the garage beneath the house.  That became a busy racetrack for bikes, scooters and feet.

The beach was just a short walk away, but I didn't get many beach pictures. It turned out to be a great place to take a nap.

Or do a little digging

We also enjoyed time just hanging out on the deck and visiting or enjoying the hot tub

On our way home from Tahoe we stopped at Donner Summit and hiked to the train tunnels.  Here are some mostly happy grandkids in the tunnels.

I also made each family pose for a picture overlooking a smokey Donner Lake.

Cal Smith family

Peter Smith family

Wright family

and Austin who is always ready for anything with a great big smile.

I love our family!

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