Monday, August 13, 2018

Road Trip Canada

We arrived in Victoria mid afternoon and spent the time touring the waterfront and visiting the Royal British Columbia Museum.  It was a beautiful day and there were plenty of tourists abroad so we just joined in the crowd.

People out enjoying the grounds of the Parliament building

Victoria in Victoria

The museum had an Egyptian exhibit featuring a female pharaoh, Hatshepsut.

This is my Egyptian fortune, sounds like good advice

The rest of the museum hadn't changed much since we visited in about 1990, but I still loved the totems.

and the spirit cave was pretty cool too

The next day we drove up Vancouver Island to Comox to catch the ferry to Powell River and because the ferry line was much shorter there we had time to explore a little bit.

We tried authentic Canadian food at Tim Horton's. It wasn't anything special which reminded me that we had tried it before and had already decided it wasn't anything special. 

Then we strolled around the boat harbor in Comox.

We loaded up on our second ferry for the 17nm trip to Powell River back on the mainland.

We arrived in Powell River at the end of a big international music festival, which really seemed like an out of the way place for a festival, but it was a sell out.  We enjoyed a fish and chips dinner on Willingdon Beach there, which was the best view we had dining anywhere.

The next day we started our five day kayak trip and when we returned again to the mainland we drove a few miles up to Lund where we enjoyed our only Nanaimo bar of the trip

This is where the Pacific Coast Highway begins. It starts in Lund and travels 15,202 km to Quellon, Porto Monte, Chile.

We just opted to go as far as Vancouver, but we had to take two more ferries to get there, each about 10nm. In all we added about 60 nautical miles to the trip.

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