Thursday, August 16, 2018

Kayak Trip in Desolation Sound British Columbia

The destination of our extended road trip was a 5 day kayaking tour in Desolation Sound, BC. We started at Okeover Arm and paddled to Kinghorn Island the first day.  We took day trips from there the next three days and returned to the mainland the last day.  We don't have a good record of the daily mileage, but we probably paddled a total of between 40 nautical miles (my estimate) and 50 statute miles (Calvin's estimate) 

We stayed in a lovely Eco-resort on Kinghorn Island that included gourmet meals and flush toilets.  
There were just nine guests and we all shared one table.
This was our cabana

The view out our front window

Our cabana seen from the sound (look for the arrow)

Relaxing after a paddle and enjoying the views

Day 1 Okeover Arm to Kinghorn

 First bald eagle
 Fish hook pictograph

Day 2 Kinghorn around Mink Island to Curme Islands 

Moon jelly
Ocher stars that are both purple and ocher


Day 3 Stormy trip Kinghorn to Refuge Cove

Refuge Cove light
Our group in the cove

Sailboat in the Cove

Lions mane jelly(it stings)

Day 4  Kinghorn to Cortes Bay
There are three bald eagles and a nest in this picture. We saw eagles every day.
Our paddle group of two sisters and our guide

The surrounding islands
Another moon jelly. We saw lots of them, but usually we sailed right past them before I got the camera out.
A seal-also difficult to photograph
Lunch stop
 Oyster catchers

Day 5 Kinghorn to Okeover
 We had some waves, but the wind was at our back

 Moon snail egg collar, not to be confused with a moon jelly
Moon Snail shell

 Red crab
 I forgot the name of this star, but it was common
Beautiful madrone tree called an arbutus in BC
A large group of seals, some on the rocks, some in the water

A really great trip

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