Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Forest Hill Divide Loop Trail

A week ago we got tired of the gloomy gray cold weather in Reno and decided to try a quick trip over Donner pass and down the other side to a little warmer weather.  We had a little gap between snow storms, so it seemed like a safe trip.  And it was, no tale of misadventure, we just had nice little outing.  We decided on Auburn for our destination and looked for something to do.  I found a hike in the Auburn State Recreation area called the Forest Hill Divide loop trip. 

 The trail is available to hikers, mountain bikers and horses, but it was mostly being used by mountain bikers.  It is supposed to be spectacular in spring with all the wildflowers, but January is not spring and I was happy just to walk on dirt instead of snow.

We did see some weird puff balls and interesting bark.

Calvin spent most of the hike examining the trail for mountain bike suitability and he gives it a thumbs up.
I think we will be back

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