Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas 2015

Christmas was a little simpler at our house this year. We had a few decorations, not as many as usual, but enough to feel like we had some Christmas spirit.  We didn't chop our Christmas tree until mid December, and even whether or not we would chop the tree was is doubt.  Our lovely snow this year made tree chopping a little trickier, but we chose a chopping location closer to home, enticed Peter and Roque to go with us in case we got stuck in the snow, and chopped a Ponderosa pine because they grow a little lower down the mountain.
 It was not the giant expedition of years past but still fun.

And we still found a pretty big tree
We enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner with Peter, Roque and Sylvan, the Gabbarts and the Stutzs. We observed all traditions, the nativity, fiddling, peppermint ice cream with chocolate sauce and opening presents.  This is my favorite present.  Vance gave Calvin a hat with a beard so he wouldn't complain about his face getting cold on early morning bike rides.

Christmas morning we moved present opening to the downstairs living room and opened an embarrassingly large pile of loot.

And finally we got to visit with everyone enjoying Christmas in their own homes.  Clare got a new camera, so I took a picture of her taking our picture while we Skyped.
Another great Smith family Christmas

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