Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Moab 2015

Nothing is quite as fun as a long weekend in Moab with kids and grandkids.  We visited the general area when Calvin was in medical school.  I enjoyed our visits then, but I didn't love the area.  Butch re-introduced us when he was in UC Boulder.  I really started to love the red rocks then.  There are all kinds of things to do in Moab. You can bike and hike and hunt petroglyphs and most fun of all for me, spend time with family.  
Mountain biking is a big attraction, followed closely by road biking for a segment of our group.  Morning biking was followed up with afternoon hiking.  We managed to get the whole group heading one direction up Mill Creek Canyon to an impressive swimming hole.  Only Calvin and Zach made the daring leap off the waterfall.  We watched a few jumpers before they made the leap and most of them came up a little startled by the cold water, but Zach surfaced with a smile on his face and calmly swam to shore. Not the best focus.

Proud jumpers

Some of us just dabbled in the water. It was kind of cold.

Another afternoon we all met up at Sand Dune Arch in Arches National Park. We brought Sarah here when she was a baby and it is still a great place to bring the kids. Butch came prepared with buckets and shovels which were put to good use.

and a little really deep excavation.
A great place for lunch

The red rock also makes a great background for photos

So I took a few.  I love this family.

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