Saturday, October 31, 2015

Day 3 in Labyrinth Canyon on the Green River

Day 3 on the river started slowly.  We had camped on a sand bar the night before, deep in Labyrinth Canyon of the Green River.  The dew was heavy and the sun is slow to rise above the canyon wall in mid October, but we had all day to paddle about 15 miles, so a late start didn't matter.  We passed two groups of river travelers within the first mile or so, still in camp, and those were the last people we saw until the pull out the next day.

I just love the view down river. Every time you turn a corner you look straight down to another giant red wall.

The view behind is pretty good too.

We didn't see anymore people, but we did see a beaver.  You'll just have to trust me that this little blip in the water is really a fairly large beaver.

There had been some pretty heavy rains the week before our trip, so some of the landing spots were awash in red mud, but about lunch time, we saw what appeared to be a few step in the river terrace and found this delightful picnic spot under some oak trees.  You will notice our very neatly loaded canoe tied up below.

The rains had washed out our intended camping spots, but we found another beautiful sandbar that we could call our own for the night.

It came with a room with a view

and a great blue heron to keep us company during dinner.

After dinner Calvin built a driftwood fire and we saw stars the way they should be seen without city light.
Life with Calvin continues to be one grand adventure!