Monday, September 21, 2015

Labor Day 2015

We had a surprise visit from Rosie, Jay and Alice over Labor Day weekend.  It was so fun to see everyone again.  Reno traditions were observed: sushi was consumed, ribs were eaten, and Lake Tahoe was visited.Jay took a monster bike ride that Calvin was not even tempted to ride and we enjoyed lots of sitting around with the family.

Rosie, Alice and I tried to ride the train at Idlewild, but it wasn't running so we took time to "smell the roses" in the Rose Garden instead.

Lake Tahoe was beautiful as usual.  My random shots all seem to center around Alice. Strange.
But the lens strayed away from Alice once in a while
And I have absolutely no explanation for this one.


  1. A refreshing trip home, as always. I really like that photo of Alice with Dad.

  2. It looks like dad is balancing a rock on his rump in the last picture.
