Monday, September 14, 2015

Another Superior Weekend

A few weeks ago we went to Superior, CO to celebrate Zach's eighth birthday and baptism.  It is always fun to visit Butch and his family and having a special celebration made it even more fun. Zach had a cool Lego cake and even got to light his own birthday candles.

His BIG birthday present was a new basketball hoop which Zach and Austin immediately put to good use. It is a perfect addition to their new backyard patio.

Zach looked so happy on his baptism day and obligingly posed for LOTS of pictures. These are a few favorites.

In the afternoon we drove up the canyon for a picnic. Eating pictures are never very flattering, but I love getting together with family and I love having a picture to remember.
And just because both Sarah and Rosie were there and they are both expecting new arrivals...

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