Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tiny Toucans Dance Recital

Last weekend we were in Alexandria and got to see Clare's first dance recital.  The recital was made up of about fifteen groups of mostly three and four year old ballerinas.  The recital was themed from the Jungle Book, so Clare's group was the Tiny Toucans, which is not immediately obvious from their costumes.  But all of the girls were adorable and it was fun to watch.  Both the dress rehearsal and the performance took place during Garrett's nap time, so Calvin and Toby split Garrett duties while Sarah and I watched both shows.

This was a serious recital and Clare got a little stage make up before the performance.

I apparently like her costume best from the back.
Well deserved flowers for the ballerina

My phone camera doesn't take the best inside pictures, but I needed to include this one of Garrett.  He has learned to help out by clearing the table.

Here he has just cleared his meal onto the floor and is very pleased with himself.  He is looking like he is going to be a fun two year old.

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