Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Superior Weekend

This weekend we went to Colorado for the blessing of our newest granddaughter, Lucy Faye Smith.  The bonus was playing with her brothers and a snowstorm in May. Calvin and Austin spent some time creating amazing flying machines that run on solar power while we waited for Zach to get home from school on Friday.

Saturday's soccer games got rained out, so the boys showed us their prowess on their scooters during a break in the rain.

Calvin even got in on a little scooter action.
Zach went to great lengths to avoid being photographed on the scooter, but I got a picture when he was distracted with a little dam building.

We took the boys swimming at our hotel in the afternoon and finished up with a little ice cream.

Zach didn't realize that his ice cream is not safe when granddad is around with a spoon.

Sunday we woke up to snow which quickly melted so we were all able to get to Lucy's blessing. She behaved beautifully and Butch gave her a beautiful blessing.
Lucy wore the same blessing dress that Emily and her mom Barb wore. Three generations of beautiful women.

It was fun to see Jason, Katie and Nora Pence while we were in Colorado.  We don't get to see enough of them.

While all this commotion was going on Lucy was just perfectly happy to hang out in her chair.
But she was even happier to get a little loving brotherly affection.
What a wonderful loving family. We are so proud of them.

1 comment:

  1. Classic Granddad - always snitching the ice cream. Lesson learned Zach.
