Thursday, March 12, 2015

RootsTech 2015

We got home Monday night from DC and I left Tuesday morning for RootsTech.  RootsTech is a genealogy Conference.  This year there were over 15,000 attendees.
This is what the halls looked like after the keynote address.

  I always enjoy going and I learn a lot at the classes.  But I also want to get in a little research while I am in Salt Lake, so I see a lot of scenes like this.

I'm glad that downtown Salt Lake is pretty safe at night. When I am there I always think back to the years we lived in downtown Salt Lake.  I decided to take pictures of some of my vivid memories.  Sarah and I used to take a lot of walking trips to Temple Square when she was little.  One day when she was a toddle as we started our walk she picked up a rock and carried it all the way to this elegant water fall fountain where she threw it in the water. A rock tends to stand out here.

When Butch was just three days old we were cutting across Temple Square to go to a Utah Jazz game.  Along the way Calvin stopped and introduced Butch to his great great great grandfather.  

And I used to look at this statue and wonder if Butch was ever going to get that old. Time seems a little different from this end.