Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Quick DC Weekend

A while back we made a quick trip to Alexandria for Clare and Garrett's baptisms.  There was a pretty large gathering of Smiths, Bordelons and other friends and we managed to pack a lot into the long weekend.

We took a walk to Old Town Alexandria. one of the perks of urban living is having so much entertainment in walking distance.
 Garret is happy, not sure about Sarah

Sometimes you need a little lift.

Reached our goal, the icy Potomac

Calvin, Rosie and I navigated the Metro to make an afternoon visit to the National Gallery.  I have no idea what this is, but I liked the look of it.

We picked up Butch Saturday night and took a Sunday morning visit to the national mall. A photo op here at the new MLK memorial.

Reliving the 8th grade trip

My pictures of the main event were mostly ghost like and scary, but Clare looked beautiful and serious and Garrett almost tolerated the affair.

Monday morning Rosie, Calvin and I made a quick trip to Mt. Vernon before we met the Bordelons for lunch and then headed back to the airport.

Great trip!

1 comment:

  1. You know I would be happy to continue my role as navigator on any of your future trips. I also realized that I don't have a lot of photos of me and Butch - these are nice. Thanks!
