Saturday, March 29, 2014

Maui sunsets and a few pictures of Alice

We had a fun week in Maui with Rosie, Jay and Alice.  We went beaching, snorkeling, and hiking in the rain.
Jay and Calvin rode bikes, Jay making the epic ride from sea level to the top of Haleakela, with Calvin joining him at 7,000 feet for the final climb to the top at 10,000+, but when I got home I discovered that all my pictures turned out to be of Alice. So if you weren't holding Alice or in very close proximity to her there is not really a photographic record.  So here is Maui mostly with Alice.

I always think Maui should somehow be exactly like this poster in the condo, and it always surprises me that it is mostly full of over tanned people deep into their downhill decades, which is not nearly as pretty a picture as the poster.

Our condo looked straight out on the ocean and we could watch whales spouting and splashing and beautiful sunsets right from the lanai.

And I saw other beautiful sites, mostly Rosie and Alice

But we did go snorkeling at a wonderful spot Rosie and Jay told us about where we saw turtles swimming everywhere. (Calvin took this picture so no Alice)
We had a beautiful to day to drive up Haleakela, sunny and clear.  Here are Calvin and Jay at the 8500 foot mark coming up the hard way.

And Calvin looking strong at the upper visitor's center getting ready for the descent.
It was a long day in the car for Alice and somehow her pacifier didn't make it into the car with her, so she improvised with her toe.

Alice is of an age where everything goes in her mouth. Here she is splashing in a tide pool and gumming a sea urchin spine and finding it not quite to her liking.

We made a day trip to Lahaina for the classic photo at the banyan tree. I was taking phone pictures while Calvin was taking pictures with the official camera. 

I love a week in Hawaii, but a week getting to play with Alice would be fun anywhere.

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