Friday, January 17, 2014

Climbing the walls

While our family was together we looked for indoor ways to entertain a group with ages ranging from 3 months to 60 years.  Not always an easy task, but indoor climbing proved to be a big hit.  Fortunately Alice and Garret are happy pretty much anywhere as long as they are fed and held.

Here is everyone attacking the wall

Clare, Austin and Zach were fearless climbers but they had the most fun just playing around on the mats.

Even 2 year old Clare got the idea
Austin and Butch climbed side by side to the top
Zach was one of the first to the top

Rosie challenged Calvin to a race to the top and had a come from behind victory at the bell.
Alice wasn't sure she like mom up so high

They also had a slack line that the kids loved

And we loved just having everyone there.

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